“.... the pictorial qualities of this artist, who ‘is consumed by the
heat of passion’, so to speak, and tackles the canvas with amazing
strength and inventiveness, are primarily those that spring from an
intense and adventurous nature accustomed to standing firm in the face
of hardship, in a continuous experience of himself. Admire his
landscapes painted with broad brush strokes, almost as if the colour and
light has been gouged out to disclose them on the coarse depth of the
canvas, due precisely to this need to tackle a technique that requires
energy and commitment. Coladonato knows how to impress forceful energy
into his country views, his landscape studies featuring flashing stormy
lights and his views of forest copses suddenly lighted by the sun’s rays,
which makes him similar to the “fauve” painters, because of his outlook
and approach to painting, besides his style and technique, with short
brush strokes, which at times are almost divisionist, in a synthesis of
constructive forms....”.
Valerio Mariani |
“... This painter, who knows how to impress the warm colours
of ripe corn on the countryside and beautiful forms on a female nude
that time cannot deteriorate; who can humanise a dead bird hanging from
a dead branch; who stretches out a hand towards the fire maidens, almost
as though he wished to console them, today lives in a house near the
Aurelia highway, where he paints moving from one subject to another. His
versatility surprises those who are used to recognizing today’s painters
mainly from the subject matter rather than the brush stroke. You can
recognise Coladonato from the warm shades of light he uses, the
reflections cast by shadows, the meaning of each one of his works”.
Renato Carocci |
“... If it is true that God speaks to the prophets, it is
equally true that God speaks to artists and poets, who, like
the prophets, are a bond and a medium between beauty and
mankind, and if beauty is God, painters and poets are but
the direct and authentic revealers of the existence of the
true God, the dispenser not only of the beauty of Creation,
but also of the grace of painting, as an expression of
poetry and emotions. Coladonato paints according to this
transcendental grace. Mysticism and esotericism, which live
and are exalted to bring to life and exalt, at one and the
same time, the spirituality and refined taste of the artist..”
Renato Marmiroli |
“.... Years ago, Gugliemo Coladonato appeared in a TV show,
presented by a US journalist, on that occasion he painted a nude live,
from the charcoal drawing to the brush work. Thus, the name of Guglielmo
Coladonato is also associated with the first live nude on TV. Twelve
episodes on Telefantasy and then eight on Telemare. A programme that
none of the other contacted painters had accepted, because it is no easy
matter to study a model, make charcoal sketches and then do the actual
painting in less than an hour, but it was precisely Coladonato’s
technique that permitted him to exhibit his enormous talent in front of
the cold and ruthless lens of a TV camera. Many critics, speaking of
him, have said that ‘Coladonato paints with brushes of light’, and this
is precisely this impression his works give”.
Luisa Vitali |
“.... Exhibitions held in the top museums of Italy,
London, New York, Venezuela, hundreds of awards, critical
appreciations and even an unusual event: painting a female
nude live on TV. You can’t stop success! Many of
Coladonato’s works are in the museums of Rome, Milan,
Florence, New York, London, at the United Nations
headquarters and at the Chamber of Deputies of Rome.
The artist influenced by Dalì, whose artworks are
reminiscent of the “Fauves”, decided to search for and meet
those people who helped him during his tormented childhood.
He went to visit his old friends at the Villagio del
Fanciullo at Silvi Marina, the child refuge where he had
been looked after as a child, and his benefactors in
Switzerland, who used to go and visit him there. And so?
Exhibitions in Europe, first of all in Switzerland and
We are no experts, so here we must repeat the words of the
great writer Ignazio Silone (the author of “The Bread and
the Wine”), also from Abruzzo like Caldonato. The two used
to meet often in Rome, where the painter had gone to live in
a nice residential area on the Via Aurelia.
Silone says: “Coladonato is ‘possessed by fire’, so to
speak, he searches for a time dominated by pathos and
humanity. Indifference, hate, the future, always represented
by women or children, often by pain or hope. Everyday men
who lose themselves in a hundred different directions; a
pair of hands about to clasp each other; a girl bending down
over a dead body; the eternal search for truth”.
The catalogue of his works reveals a tormented childhood,
which has led Coladonato to his achievements. A painter of
reality? Yes, why not ...?
But what is the meaning of a few words in a catalogue?
Coladonato’s work needs to be discovered and appreciated
first hand, in order to be accepted and loved. The child
Guglielmo, in the village of Silvi Marina, is no longer an
orphan or an adolescent, he’s become a conqueror”.
Lelio Rigassi